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 Clean the Blue Mummy

A report by: Adrian Dvir M.Sc

Novenber 20, 2003

  A woman in her forties complained about a series of illnesses that the conventional medicine failed to find nor the reason nether the cure. For example she wakes up in the middle of the night with a suffocation sensation, as if her body forgot to breath for a while.
The Aliens started to diagnose her and told me that this will be an interesting session. I
After a few quiet minutes the woman closed her eyes and started to describe an unusual experience:
Dalia: I feel strange sensations in my legs and arms. A kind of pins and some heat.
Adrian: Yes, the Aliens usually stick some pins or electrodes in the lower legs the same areas the reflexology is working on.
Dalia: Wow I thing I am dreaming. I have a sensation they are taking something out of my body. It strangely looks like an Egyptian mummy.
Adrian: Yes, our soul is maid of many bodies it collects during the incarnations. These bodies sometimes has problems that affect our physical body health. The Aliens has the equipment and know-how to separate the different bodies and treat them as required. Then they assemble all back together. I can also see the mummy body they take it up and into a second operation room a few meters to your left. 
Dalia: I had many dreams I was buried alive. I always was afraid of suffocation.
Adrian: It is possible that the mummy was the servant or wife of an important Egyptian ruler and as I know they all were buried alive with their master after his death. They believed in the after world and it was done in order to continue take care of him in the after world. It was the custom those days.
Dalia: Its horrible to be buried alive.
Adrian: I see that the Aliens are taking off the mummy rapping's, starting from the head. I can see a blue body, interesting why. Wait. They show me that the body was painted before burial with a blue mineral color. They did it while you ware still alive. It was a ritual painting and the color is a mineral that has preserving qualities against body decay. The paint also penetrate the skin and acts as an anesthetic to the poor victim. You went into a long comma of several days before finally suffocated in the tomb. This explain the fact that some of this blue substance penetrated into the astral body and is now causing you trouble. The aliens are cleaning the body and removing the blue color. Then they will cover it up with new wrapping and return it back to you. Its happening now. The clean and newly rapped mummy is above your physical body and slowly descend into your body.
Dalia: I feel like needles in my hands and legs. Now there is a strong sensation in all my whole body.
Adrian: Yes the two bodies unite back together.
Dalia: Did this buried alive experience leave any trauma on my soul ?
Adrian: The Aliens explain it is not what you expect today. Of cause today it’s a horrible way to die but at that time it was a custom and deep religious belief in life after life. You at that time believed that you should accompany your husband to the next world to take care of him. You saw this as your duty and not something terrible that is going to happen to you. You undergo this ceremony of death willingly. I can see the mummy hands are crossed on the chest and are holding two artifacts made of black wood and golden parts.
Dalia: Yes I can see it also. I Know these artifacts I dreamed them a lot.
Adrian: The only trauma recorded by your soul from this incarnation end was a result of suffocation. The sedatives did not last enough time and you wake up several hours before the air became un-breathable. You remember the slow suffocation.


Read more on these issues in Adrian Dvir's book: X3, Healing Entities and Aliens

An exciting and attention riveting metaphysical journey, September 21, 2003
Reviewer: Midwest Book Review from Oregon, WI USA
Informatively written by Adrian Dvir (an expert computer engineer who first discovered his ability to communicate telepathically in 1992, and first contacted aliens in the year 1994), X3: Healing, Entities, And Aliens is an exciting and attention riveting metaphysical journey into mind-expanding experiences and the positive intentions of entities from beyond this world. Offering a grand, detailed, investigative account that fleshes out seemingly supernatural occurrences in great detail, and enhanced with an accompanying CD, X3: Healing Entities and Aliens is a unique and very welcome contribution to Metaphysical Studies reference collections and UFO Studies reading lists.
Adrian Dvir documents his own and others, Healers and Mediums outstanding daily collaboration in ISRAEL, with  Beings from parallel dimensions or realms.  These invisible beings act as medical teams. They are Alien  ET Extraterrestrials and ED Extra-Dimensional medical teams. The paranormal and  mystical events becomes a daily experience, with practical results for suffering sick people. Parallel realms of existence are described. The book includes a PC  HTML based CD with high resolution Video Clips streaming of Patients testimony, Healers stories and Beings messages and answers as channeled by Trans Mediums. This is the next step in out of this world  contact beyond random UFO sightings, Crop circles, unexpected encounters and alike. 
Midwest Book ReviewRead more | Adrian Dvir Home page  |*Video | Synopsis | Table of Contents | Read an Excerpt | Front Cover | Back Cover | CD Artwork
  • Paperback: 422 pages ; Dimensions (in inches): 1.02 x 8.66 x 5.58
  • Publisher: Adrian Dvir; (January 2003).  ISBN: 9657269008

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Copyright (C) 1998-2003 by Adrian Dvir. May be reproduced for noncommercial purposes as long as attribution is given.
First posted: 21, 10, 2003,      Updated: 29-12-2003