What would you do if you’d seen a ghost?

 After a series of strange experiences, Adrian Dvir had to consider the possibility that he was seeing ghosts. A scientifically minded computer engineer, his natural response was to investigate

 X3, Healing, Entities and Aliens is the record of Adrian’s investigations, taking him from his first chilling encounters, to on-going interaction with other-dimensional beings - human as well as alien. A compelling first-person account of experiences, case studies and actual dialogues, Dvir’s book has wide appeal, offering a fascinating read for anyone who’s ever contemplated the existence of ETs, UFOs or ESP, wishes they could see into the future of Earth’s place in the universe, and has the courage to confront the fantastic.


Adrian Dvir

Born in Bucharest in 1958, Dvir holds a BSc in Engineering and an MSc in Computer Engineering, specializing in computer architectures. Married with two children and living in Israel since 1965, Dvir develops military computer systems at a major Israeli communications company. He first acknowledged and began to use his abilities as a medium in 1992, and became aware of alien other-dimensional beings in 1994. This is Dvir’s first book.



Reviews and Reactions to X3, Healing, Entities and Aliens

 Since its appearance in Hebrew in 1999, X3, Healing, Entities and Aliens has aroused a great deal of excitement and no less media attention in Israel and abroad. Adrian Dvir has been kept busy with TV talk show appearances, radio interviews, and interviews for feature articles in newspapers and magazines. Here is what some of them have said:

I was most impressed by the overall quality and substance of this fascinating and highly original work.

 At first I confess to having been somewhat skeptical and was quite unsure whether or not the content of the book would be wild flights of fancy, but I am happy to have been proven quite wrong. The work is not sensationalist or unbelievable but comprises factual information and details, which will educate and inform the reader, letting new concepts permeate into his life… the book has much to offer the reader who is keen to look beyond the world of form and step bravely into uncharted waters.” Publishing House Editorial Director

 With 40% of Israelis and 70% of Americans believing in aliens according to recent polls, Dvir’s book “is drawing the attention of believers and skeptics alike.” Jerusalem Post

…Adrian attempts to make sense of the universe in which we live, and the universe which unfolds is beyond our wildest imagination, populated by a broad range of creatures existing in cultures much more developed than ours, who have come here in order to help us.” Hotel Chain Magazine

 The zeal and enthusiasm which you have for your work oozes from every page and the reader will be inspired and stimulated by your genuine love of this subject.

 …there is an urgency and an intensity to the tone of your book which is highly appealing.

 Not a book for the faint-hearted, it will force the reader to think more carefully about other life forms and the ways in which they can aid and guide humanity. Editorial Director

 Today, not only do I feel better but I am also personally committed to promoting Adrian’s work. In my opinion, he has made the breakthrough of the century.” Statement from a former patient, reported in the Jerusalem Post Magazine Section

 Your book will be very popular with those who have an interest in alien exploration and is sure to be highly esteemed and respected by others in your field. Furthermore, your book captures something of the current Zeitgeist and will have great appeal in the contemporary literary climate.”

 It would be a great shame if such a work as this were not made available to a wider audience in the English-speaking nations of the world.” Editorial Director

Promotional Plan

 Following the lines of the book’s successful promotion in Israel, the following promotional activities are recommended:

 Electronic media:

Prime Time TV Talk Show – Interview with the author

Radio Interviews

 Print media:

Interviews for Major Newspaper Magazine Section articles

Interviews for General and Special Interest Magazines

 Personal Appearances for General and Special Interest Groups:

Lecture + slide presentation

Demonstration workshops