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UFO Congress 2004

Behind the Inter-dimensional curtain.

Adrian Dvir M.Sc

I usually ignore the presence of the Aliens around me. I know that I am never along. They accompany me for several reasons. Except some rare cases the ET don't bother me and let me live undisturbed in my 3D world.  Before taking off on the Boing 747 plane to  Newark, USA, while waiting for boarding, I saw several inter-dimensional ET with baggage's waiting together with the visible humans.  After I settle up in the plane I had the sensation the Invisible Aliens are attaching some invisible holding brackets on the body of the plane. I don't know if these brackets can hold the plane in mid air and prevent him from crash in case of emergency. Lets hope there will be no need to put these arrangements to test. My son Efi who remain in Israel told me there ware about 20 ET on board and 3-4 flying space ships that escort the plane. They took off fly alongside and landed with the Boing plane. 
My presentation was scheduled for 13:30 and I enter to the conference room in the morning to see the first presentation. as usual there were two video cameras on tripods filming the presenter. While sitting in the rear line I suddenly got the impression that around the Audience sitting block there ware several tripods about 3 m high with some equipment on them. I assumed they are ET movie camera. Near the tripods ware huge ET 3-4 m high with very big heads. They explained me that they are not just filming the conference - Video and sound but also recording the presentations impact on audience. The whole information will be processed and analyzed by a special computer to be used in the future for simulations and for decision making regarding to these subjects.

About 12:00 I phoned Hagai Katz in Israel and asked him if the Aliens have any last minute message for me.

Hagai: I see they are recording everything.

Adrian: Yes they prepare a video caset for every presentation they sell later.

Hagai: No I mean for the Aliens. I see Tripods with cameras around the room.

Adrian: Yes I know about them. Who are the 3-4 m high creatures ?

Hagai: They are a separate civilization that will share this information with the 54 organization. They collaborate.

Adrian: How many Aliens are now here ?

Hagai: wait they are counting. They say that more that 10,000 Aliens from several civilizations and organizations. 

Adrian: How many belong to the medical Teams ?

Hagai: There are 2000 medical ET personnel and they will bring more if needed. They have now a command center in the middle of the convention room. While you are presenting concentrate on that area and they will give you instructions during your presentation. 

Adrian: Ok. I will do so.

Hagai: Good luck with your presentation.

Adrian: Thank you and goodnight (It was night time in Israel).






Read more on these issues in Adrian Dvir's book: X3, Healing Entities and Aliens

An exciting and attention riveting metaphysical journey, September 21, 2003
Reviewer: Midwest Book Review from Oregon, WI USA
Informatively written by Adrian Dvir (an expert computer engineer who first discovered his ability to communicate telepathically in 1992, and first contacted aliens in the year 1994), X3: Healing, Entities, And Aliens is an exciting and attention riveting metaphysical journey into mind-expanding experiences and the positive intentions of entities from beyond this world. Offering a grand, detailed, investigative account that fleshes out seemingly supernatural occurrences in great detail, and enhanced with an accompanying CD, X3: Healing Entities and Aliens is a unique and very welcome contribution to Metaphysical Studies reference collections and UFO Studies reading lists.
Adrian Dvir documents his own and others, Healers and Mediums outstanding daily collaboration in ISRAEL, with  Beings from parallel dimensions or realms.  These invisible beings act as medical teams. They are Alien  ET Extraterrestrials and ED Extra-Dimensional medical teams. The paranormal and  mystical events becomes a daily experience, with practical results for suffering sick people. Parallel realms of existence are described. The book includes a PC  HTML based CD with high resolution Video Clips streaming of Patients testimony, Healers stories and Beings messages and answers as channeled by Trans Mediums. This is the next step in out of this world  contact beyond random UFO sightings, Crop circles, unexpected encounters and alike. 
Midwest Book ReviewRead more | Adrian Dvir Home page  |*Video | Synopsis | Table of Contents | Read an Excerpt | Front Cover | Back Cover | CD Artwork
  • Paperback: 422 pages ; Dimensions (in inches): 1.02 x 8.66 x 5.58
  • Publisher: Adrian Dvir; (January 2003).  ISBN: 9657269008

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