X3, Healing Entities and Aliens

Book Reviews

Let your soul decide if this book is for you. 

March 24, 2003
Reviewer: Igor Zatulovsky from Brooklyn, NY United States
If you came across this book and it grabbed your attention know that it is guided to you by higher sources of Light. That is what happened to me. After reading this book many questions were answered for me on many levels.

At this difficult time on planet earth much peace is need it within ourselves and this book clearly shows that we all have assistance from Beings of Light. Even though the word alien sounds "weird" to us earth people, from reading this book it proves that they are out there and trying to help us in many ways. I would recommend this book to anyone who gets a strong pull from their "gut" feelings and just as well to curious people about the subject.
Thank you Adrian Dvir for such a wonderful book.

Not given to flights of fantasy, author Adrian Dvir is a scientifically-minded computer engineer who struggled to understand his extraordinary experiences. The reader follows Dvir throughout his investigative process from self-doubt, through chilling realization of contact, to the cooperative relationship of partners in healing. Some reactions:


“…the book has much to offer the reader who is keen to look beyond the world of form and step bravely into uncharted waters”

Editorial Director, Pentland Press, London

  “With 40% of Israelis and 70% of Americans believing in aliens according to recent polls, Dvir’s book… is drawing the attention of believers and skeptics alike.”  
The Jerusalem Post

  “Today, not only do I feel better but I am also personally committed to promoting Adrian’s work. In my opinion, he has made the breakthrough of the century.”

Jerusalem Post Magazine, client testimonial


“…Adrian attempts to make sense of the universe in which we live, and the universe which unfolds is beyond our wildest imagination, populated by a broad range of creatures existing in cultures much more developed than ours, who have come here in order to help us.”

Israel Hotel Chain Magazine


“The zeal and enthusiasm which you have for your work oozes from every page and the reader will be inspired and stimulated by your genuine love of this subject…


“Not a book for the faint-hearted, it will force the reader to think more carefully about other life forms and the ways in which they can aid and guide humanity.”

Editorial Director, Pentland Press, London



Read more about Aliens medical teams in Adrian Dvir Book:
X3, Healing Entities and Aliens by Adrian Evir

Adrian Dvir documents his own and others Healers and Mediums outstanding daily collaboration with the Alien  ET Extraterrestrials medical teams, Entities and Spirits. The paranormal and  mystical events becomes a daily experience with practical results for suffering sick people. Parallel realms of existence are described. The book includes a PC  HTML based CD with high resolution Video Clips streaming of Patients testimony, Healers stories and Aliens messages and answers as channeled by Trans Mediums. This is the next step in Alien contact beyond random UFO sightings, Crop circles, unexpected encounters and alike.

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496 pages, soft cover

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ISBN: 9657269016