Alternative Medicine news:
Invisible Beings help Healers in ISRAEL.
Healing, Reiki, Bio-Energy and other Hands on practitioners claimed for many years that they act only as conduit of "Healing Energies". Some say those energies originate from
God and some attribute the help to spirits, angles, and Light Beings.
In ISRAEL an increasing number of Healers claim to almost miraculous results in a
variety of medical conditions including serious diseases. The Healers claim for
collaboration with invisible Beings from other dimensions or realms. The beings perform advanced medical procedures including surgeries using advance medical equipment. Psychics describe them as having a humanoid form but they can be little as 0.5 meter to 4 m in height. They have personal names and medical professions and specializations.
The Extra-dimensional beings cannot be seen or touched but about 80% of the patients experience very strange sensations during the treatment. In most cases the Being continue the treatment at the patient house.
Hard to believe but excellent results were reported with Cardio Vascular, Immune system, Liver, Orthopedic and even cases of malignant
Diseases. On the proof side, there is plenty of hard medical evidence but no scientific evidence of Beings existence. The beings claim to be particularly developed and benevolent in nature.
This strange medical collaboration is possible only if the healer is a medium, which can communicate with these invisible Beings, and act as a translator and middleman.
This strange collaboration started around 1994 and expanded to more than 50 independent alternative clinics in ISRAEL that get help from the same Beings organization.
My life was saved in an alternative medicine clinic, claims Eithan Dover, an Engineer in his fifties, living in Jerusalem. A fat tumor disease spread throughout my body and threatened my life. Conventional medicine gave up. I was treated by invisible Beings and my tumors started to melt away. Two years have passed and my medical condition has steadily improved.
Thousands of people have been cured in these clinics since 1994.
One of the first Healers, that started to collaborate with the beings in 1995 is Adrian Dvir, an Engineer that discovered he is a medium. Adrian has researched this phenomena and published his findings in his web site: and in his book:
X3, Healing Entities and Aliens. ISBN: 9657269008
Dvir has been featured throughout mainstream Israeli media, including major newspapers and appearances on numerous TV and radio talk shows.
You cannot argue with success, claim one of the patients. My friends recommended me to try it. There are no medications, there is no visible equipment and no one ask you to believe in anything. I just lay on a bed and have a pleasant conversation with Adrian that sits aside.
Adrian Dvir is a huge man, burly and bearded, easily mistaken for a Head of Department in a main hospital. Patient address as Dr Dvir and he
hurry to corect them that he is not a physician but only a computer Engineer and a Medium. Adrian Dvir holds a B.Sc. in Engineering and a
M.,Sc. in Computer Engineering, specializing in computer architecture. Married with children, he is employed by a company developing computer systems for the Israeli military. Dvir's training as an engineer and his methodical work habits may make him an ideal conduit to publicize the Beings medical activity, but he certainly is not alone in his belief in extraterrestrial beings.
Adrian can be contacted: (972-52) 654138, (972-3) 9649440
Most of the time the aliens supposedly do the work all by themselves, while the "healer" sits on the side. That can anger patients, who feel they are being ripped off when the healer then pockets 50$. Luckily about 80% of the patients feel the aliens' treatment in a variety of ways. But in fact the aliens work up to 10 times faster than their human conduits, Dvir says, and such hands-off treatment thus is more efficient. The Aliens perform medical treatment far beyond conventional hands on Healing. Even when the aliens need my help as a healer they guide my hands and I feel like a puppet on a string. I usually don't know what I am doing, says Dvir, and need to ask the Aliens for an explanation.
When Dvir became aware of his abilities several years ago, he attended an institute for spiritual healing, and in 1995 received diplomas in energetic healing and advanced spiritual healing.
His first book, X3, Healing Entities and Aliens ISBN: 9657269008 has just been published in USA, and is and available from stores and most online bookstores (Amazon, Barnes & Noble, etc.).
Dvir was born in Bucharest and moved to ISRAEL in 1965, at the age of eight. As a child he was a science fiction fan, but his psychic abilities did not manifest themselves until he was an adult. Dvir's first experience with the paranormal was during his IDF military service, when he was lying on a bed at his parents' house and felt something cold on his leg.
It was a dead aunt, asking Dvir to look after her children.
Dvir says he didn't think about the experience much. "I figured I had a fertile imagination," he says.
But the encounters with dead relatives continued. Several years later, shortly after his grandfather died, Dvir encountered the old man shuffling around his apartment, looking for a newspaper. After his father died of cancer, Dvir came out of work to find his spirit sitting in Dvir's car. Lucky thing, too, because his father warned him to be careful and Dvir says he then escaped a collision with a truck that seemed to materialize out of nowhere.
Dvir's psychic connection was not just with his loved ones. Working on his computer one weekend, Dvir began to feel that he was a medium for messages from other-worldly beings, asking those questions and then typing out their answers, a sort of human Ouija board.
Dvir needed someone to talk to and turned to his mother, who believed in these sorts of things. Rather than dismissing him as crazy, she urged him to consult a professional medium.
The medium also saw the spirit of Dvir's father, conversed with him and told Dvir personal facts that he could not otherwise have known.
"It was very difficult for me to accept this, but the medium helped me," Dvir says. He began reading and taking courses to develop his psychic abilities.
At one such course, in 1993, Dvir says his encounters with aliens began in earnest. Looking up, he saw all manner of strange beings walking around him, imperceptible to most people but visible to Dvir with a sort of extrasensory perception.
"I think they tagged me as a sort of possible contact person," impressed by his channeling ability, open minded and perceptivity, Dvir says.
Since then, it seems, the beings have never left Dvir alone. Day and night he is accompanied by a shifting cast of at least four Beings.
Around 1994, Dvir went to visit Haya Levy, a healer who was the first to collaborate with the Beings and opened a clinic in her Rishon-Le-zion
home. Indeed, upon entering her house Dvir saw a gallery of beings. He found her treatment effective and her support important. The beings began negotiating with Dvir to open another clinic in his apartment.
Most of the beings with who Levy has contact look like human beings, she says, but not all. Prof. Bach, an expert physician, for instance, has skin like a lizard and is completely bald. Maya, a shrink, has silver skin and blue eyes like those of a fish.
Around 1993, when Levy was suffering from disc problems that had confined her to bed, the Beings offered to treat her, she says. She was skeptical, but after just an hour of treatment she was able to walk again. After five days of treatment she was fully mobile and able to carry things.
When the aliens proposed the joint-venture clinic, Levy accepted. Alien treatment has an 87 percent success rate, she claims.
Levy's importance for Dvir goes beyond her status as a role model.
His engineer's colleagues at his work have mixed feelings about his alien contacts, Dvir admits. Some come to him for treatments. Others grow visibly uncomfortable when he begins to discuss his experiences.
This is the reason Dvir decided not to speak about this part of his life
at work.
Dvir's wife Adriana, an architect, is a little skeptical too. She does not see the aliens who traipse around her apartment day and night. And when asked if she believe in telepathy
she answered she believe in telephony.
"I'm more rational. I want to see proof," she says. "But who knows, maybe it's true? Maybe I'm the limited one and I'm missing out. My husband has always been more sensitive."
Dvir's 14-year-old son, Efi, appears to have his father talents including love for computers and psychic and Healing abilities.
Considering how unusual his ideas sound, Dvir has gotten a surprising amount of attention from the media, appearing in television, radio and print interviews. Dvir and Levy say their belief in aliens is not a matter of faith, but of proof - proof that the rest of us can not see because of our limitations.
"It's all a question of openness," Levy says. "If you're open, you can believe in things you can't see physically. If you're not open, you trust only your five senses. Those people are limited, in my opinion."
"People who had contact in previous incarnations, they know it's
possible and they need no proof. Others are scared and they don't want to know about
it, no matter how much evidence you show them" he says. "But there is a zoo out there. One day we'll
have to meet. We'll have no choice but to get to know our brothers from next
dimension and beyond."