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I discovered that
the Aliens make extensive medical use of synthetic implants. On the 18th
of November 1997, I had my first experience of this when I was undergoing
treatment with Uri Gal and his medical team.
They implanted an experimental chip in my kidneys. X3 who took part in the surgical procedure, explained that the chip was developed by a specialist who arrived here for the purpose of carrying out an implantation. The specialist was related to with a great deal of respect. I managed to “see” him. His body was like a human’s, but his face looked like a lizard. Like the other specialists I had encountered, he was entrenched in his work and didn’t speak much. He didn’t even answer when I asked his name. Finally I asked if the specialist would agree to be interviewed for my book. He answered in the affirmative, and fixed the interview for the next day at 10 a.m., through the Communications Center. I asked what I should call him and he answered that he is called Professor Bach.
Date & time: | November 19th, 1997; 10:00 |
Esttablishing contact |
Adrian: Contact with the Aliens’ Communications Center, please. Are you receiving me? Communications Center: We’re receiving you loud and clear. Professor Bach is ready for your call. You have a pre-arranged meeting? Adrian: Yes. I requested an interview with him for my book. Center: He’s here and ready to receive your questions. Adrian: Is he physically near me, or is the communication through the Center? Center: He is actually next to you, but the communication is through the Center. That’s inconsequential. The main thing is that you can speak with him. Please begin. |
Species |
Adrian: I have a number of questions, some of them personal. Who are your people… that is to say, what kind of species of being are you? What is your age? Where have you come from? What is your family status? What is your educational background? What kind of work do you do; what is your area of specialization and what is the subject of your research? Prof. Bach: I shall answer your questions. I am from a planet very distant indeed from the planet Earth. It is called Heliopolis. It is a very small planet in a very distant solar system that is not marked on any of your cosmic maps. Adrian: Could you describe your planet, its suns or any kind of detailed description? Prof. Bach: Just a minute, please. The planet is relatively small. It’s about the size of your moon. It is a very ancient planet on which an indigenous culture developed. I am from that culture. Adrian: From what I could see, your physical appearance is similar to that of humans, but your face is like a lizard. Prof. Bach: That is correct. Our species sprang from an evolutionary process of reptilian development. There are such creatures also here on Earth. It is a common path of development and occurred in many places. On our planet, this species of amphibious reptiles evolved to a very high level of intelligence. The difficult conditions on our planet forced us to develop sophisticated methods of survival. The development of higher intelligence saved our species from extinction. Today the planet is developed and advanced and utilizes very advanced technologies. We joined the Federation of Civilizations and we make a significant contribution to its research of the cosmos. We try to help failing and young civilizations like the one here on Earth. I joined as a medical specialist, to help develop medical methodologies. I am involved in advanced research into technologically sophisticated medical methods. |
Protetic Devices |
Adrian: The microscopic device for clearing blood vessels – was that something you developed? Prof. Bach: Yes. That’s one of the devices whose development I’m involved in. Adrian: Can you tell me about others? Prof. Bach: Yes. There’s a whole series of accessories and equipment that can be introduced into the physical body to contribute to rapid healing. They are technologically very advanced mechanical devices that function in place of an injured or malfunctioning organ. My general area of specialization is internal prostheses. I treat internal organs. In my department there are a range of methods for customizing prostheses to cope with many different diseases. Adrian: Can you tell me about instances in which you successfully treated people by implanting artificial devices? Prof. Bach: I can tell you, for instance, about a case concerning a pacemaker. In conventional medicine as well, you implant pacemakers, so the concept is not foreign to you. That device regulates the heart’s electrical impulses and extends the life of the patient by many years. The pacemaker is particularly useful during heart attacks, which involve a malfunction of the natural electrical activity of the heart while leaving the heart muscle intact. Adrian:
understand. Could you give another example? Prof. Bach:
Just a minute, please… We treated a problem of the bladder. The
mechanism responsible for closure was damaged due to a serious infection
and no longer functioned. As a result, the patient could not control the
retention and release of urine and was forced to wear diapers. We
implanted an electrical closing mechanism. We implanted artificial
nerves in the relevant musculature which are activated by a command from
the brain. We enabled the patient to regain nearly total control of
urination by introducing a replacement part to control the problematic
muscles. The implanted part included a small computer chip connected to
the nerves that extend from the brain to these muscles.
replaced a malfunctioning nerve? Prof. Bach: Yes. We replaced a section of the nerve. It was an interesting case. Adrian: Is it not preferable to try to heal the affected part rather than implant an artificial one? Prof. Bach: It’s always preferable to heal, but in cases where the original organ is so damaged that there’s no possibility of its healing, we try to implant a suitable biological match, that is, a donor organ. It’s not always possible. One has to find a donor and then there’s the difficult problem of tissue rejection. In many cases, implanting an artificial organ is the only way to correct the disorder. Because there is so often a problem of tissue rejection with biological organs, we use simulated human biological tissue and pretest it for allergic reactions or rejection. We usually achieve 100% success for absence of rejection reactions and between 80%-90% success in the functioning of the artificial organ. So in almost all cases, there is a significant cause to prefer implantation of artificial organs. |
Adrian: What nourishes the artificial organs? What is their source of energy? Prof. Bach: There are various possibilities. Some devices require no energy source – the passive prostheses, and there are some devices that must have an energy source, but the energy levels required are very low and can be supplied by the biological environment in which it is implanted. There is also a mechanism whereby cosmic energies can be received and exploited. The devices we implant use minimal amounts of energy that can be drawn from the host’s body without causing him any harm or damage. |
Implant discovery |
Adrian: Is there never any danger that these implanted devices will be discovered? Prof. Bach: The danger exists, but the likelihood of their discovery is very small. The devices are extremely small and look like a tiny blood clot, a tendon, or some other inconsequential biological material. They do not look like a technological device. That’s why we’re not worried about leaving them in the body. Some of the devices, in fact, are made of material that is unknown on Earth and can neither be perceived nor x-rayed, nor seen with the aid of any other man-made device. So it really isn’t a problem. Adrian: What if after several years the device breaks down and causes damage? Prof. Bach: The devices are made of very durable material, designed to last for thousands of years – far longer than the life span of a human. Under ordinary conditions, nothing will happen to the implanted device. Adrian: What if the device is damaged in an accident, for instance? Prof. Bach: There is some cause for concern, but let me say again, the devices are made of biologically compatible material. If the person survives an accident, the worst that would happen would be for the device to stop working, but it would not cause any damage. The device is made of material that can stay in the body indefinitely without having any harmful effect. |
Personal life |
Would you mind giving me some personal information? Prof. Bach: I don’t mind. Adrian: How old are you? Prof. Bach: I am 800 years old and considered to be a young scientist among my kind. Adrian: What is the average life span of your species? Prof. Bach: About 3,000 years. Adrian: What is you family status? Prof. Bach: We build cooperative family units. A kind of central children’s home. I am a member of such a cooperative unit. In your terms, I’m one of the contributing fathers. Adrian: Raising children is done in groups? Prof. Bach: Yes. The group raises the children. The group consists of several males and several females functioning in a kind of extended family home, or a tribe, cooperatively raising the children. In our civilization, that is the nuclear family unit. Adrian: About how many members does such a group generally have? Prof. Bach: From seven to eight males and the same number of females. We live communally, and the unit includes some older males and females as well. The commune is an extended family unit responsible for raising the children and looking after older and infirm members. I belong to a residential family unit such as I’ve described. It is located on my home planet. I go back for a visit from time to time in order to contribute my seed or anything else the culture requires. |
Planet |
Adrian: I see. Can you tell me what your planet looks like? Prof. Bach: It has a savanna, much vegetation, high humidity, strong sunlight, a lot of rainfall, and a variety of beasts of prey in the free jungle. Residential areas, of course, are safe. |
Clothing |
Adrian: I am picking up an image of your species. You wear synthetic clothing of shiny material and bold colors. The material reminds me of the shiny skin of a lizard in a fantastic array of colors. Prof. Bach: Yes. We enjoy wearing colorful clothing. Adrian: Your mouths and noses are elongated like a lizard’s. Prof. Bach: That is correct. Adrian: Your appearance is very strange-looking to a human being. A person could faint at the sight of you, but we have to start getting used to seeing different life forms from other planets. Prof. Bach: Yes, that’s true. We also had problems in the past getting to used to sight of creatures from other planets. But you get used to it. It’s not so terrible. |
Implant |
Adrian: Are you enjoying our interview? Prof. Bach: Very much. Adrian: Thank you. Could you tell me, please, what exactly you implanted in my right kidney? Prof. Bach: Yes, certainly. We implanted a device, which is actually a syringe that injects controlled quantities of a substance into the affected hemorrhaging area. This substance acts on the capillaries causing them to contract to help stop the bleeding. This is a temporary implant with a relatively short operational life-span. In addition to this, we also implanted an experimental artificial segment of kidney, similar to what was implanted in the left kidney, but bigger. It’s an improved model with a greater capacity. The idea is for it to compensate for the weaker functioning of the right kidney. We anticipate that the functioning of the implant will complement the natural functioning of kidney, so that together they result in normal kidney function. It’s a kidney support system, if you like. The principle behind its functioning is similar to that of the implant in the left kidney, only it has double the capacity, equivalent to half the normal kidney function. Adrian: Thank you for the implant. Prof. Bach: You’re most welcome. We’re very pleased with our work here. |
Education |
Adrian: Would you like add anything else to the interview? For instance, what is your educational background, your areas of interest and specialization, hobbies? Prof. Bach: Just a moment, please. In terms of human experience, it is difficult to explain my educational background. There are very great differences between us in intellectual capabilities and learning styles. Among Aliens, I am considered a highly educated scholar and a scientist developing new methodologies at the forefront of the medical arena. Details of my degrees or areas of specialization wouldn’t mean very much to you. In your terms, I completed university studies in many fields of medicine, technology and science, allowing me to integrate technological capabilities and medical applications. My knowledge of medicine, science and technology is very comprehensive and this enables me to integrate them. Adrian: That’s quite an accomplishment. Prof. Bach: Thank you. Adrian: I’m impressed. Prof. Bach: Thank you, and I with you. |
Thank you |
Adrian: Would you like to say anything else to my readers, or to mankind in general? Prof. Bach: No. My contribution to mankind is through actions rather than words. Adrian: I thank you for the interview and for your contribution to mankind. May we meet again over good deeds. Prof. Bach: Thank you, Adrian for your article about me. Adrian: Thank you. Prof. Bach: Good-bye, Adrian |
The telepathic interview with Prof. Bach ended at 11:05, lasting just over an hour. From my experience, that’s the maximum time frame that the Aliens are willing to devote at any one time to communicating with me. They explained to me that I tire very quickly in the process.