Healer Powers

A report by: Adrian Dvir MSc

What is a Healer ? What he have that regular human don't ? How He can cure a sick patient just by the invisible energy of his hands ?

A step Upward

I finished treating five patient in the evening of June 30, 2003. I drank and eat "a litle something" and went to bed.  At first evrything was normal. But gradually I felt the bed as if it is made of wood and I weight a ton. My bones hurt from the touch of the bed. I tried to turn around but the pain just increased. I had no other choise but to get up. I waked in my apartment and gradually felt an increasing lack of air. I was breathing like a sweating horse after a long race. Since I could not sleep I decided to finish some work on my computer. I found this also to be an imposile mission. Ater a few minutes this effort made me so tired I had to stop. 

The breathing problem went on and off and gradually was resolved during the sleeples night.  I woke up early in the morning and decided to conslt with Hagai Katz my coleg healer and medium. 

Hagai: DId you treated a Cancer case yesterday ?

Adrian: Yes I had a patient, in his fifties with advanced stage of lunght cancer.  There was reall a very unusual activity during the treatment. I saw the Entities from the Entities post colecting small pices of somethig from his luths and put them in a beg. I asked them what they are doing.

Entities:  There is a second  soul in a small creature parasite in the middle of the patient body. The parasite is trying to grow hmself a body. Of course he dont know what he is doing. His activity is the reason for the cancer in this man. We are colecting these pieces to atract the parasite to come to or side. Then we will take care of him.

I saw what they ware describing. there was a creature with thin liht brown skin. but it was not a dog but an out of this world creature. He was finally onvinced to get out and dissapered in the Entities post.  Then the Entities sow me the life line of the patient and it was quite long maby till the age of 90.

Entities: This man carma include a long life. He is not supposed to die young. The Parasite is not planned. You may tell him this. All benevolent creatures are welcome to cure him. If they succed he will live according to his carma.


Hagai: Then you did something unusual that you never did before ?

Adrian: You are corect. Usually in cancer cases the Aliens treat without my intervention. They use several techniques to perform local chemoterapy.  Its a slow process.  I dont know why I felt that I want to try to help the patient by myselfe. The Aliens gave their OK. And I stood behind the head of the patient. I raised my hand that started











Adrian Dvir documents his own and others Healers and Mediums outstanding daily collaboration with the Alien  ET Extraterrestrials medical teams, Entities and Spirits. The paranormal and  mystical events becomes a daily experience with practical results for suffering sick people. Parallel realms of existence are described. The book includes a PC  HTML based CD with high resolution Video Clips streaming of Patients testimony, Healers stories and Aliens messages and answers as channeled by Trans Mediums. This is the next step in Alien contact beyond random UFO sightings, Crop circles, unexpected encounters and alike. 
Read moreAdrian Dvir Home page
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  • Paperback: 422 pages ; Dimensions (in inches): 1.02 x 8.66 x 5.58
  • Publisher: Adrian Dvir; (January 2003)
  • ISBN: 9657269008
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Copyright (C) 1998-2003 by Adrian Dvir. May be reproduced for noncommercial purposes as long as attribution is given.

First posted: 23, 6 2003,      Updated: 24, 6,2003