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Multi-dimensional Parasites |
A Love TriangleAt the office where I work as a computer engineer, I became friendly with a young colleague, also an engineer, who confided in me about his personal life. He wanted more than anything else to find a partner, settle down and start a family. But despite all his efforts in that direction, every relationship he had either arrived at a dead end or was broken off for reasons that were unclear. One day we were sitting together for lunch in the company dining room, when my young friend's attention was attracted by a good-looking young woman just coming in. She was a new employee who had been recently hired. As his eyes followed her admiringly, I suddenly saw a Being, a young girl with black hair in two long braids, sitting in my friend's lap. I telepathically made contact with her. She indicated with great pleasure that my friend was her man and she was very much in love with him. I began to understand why his relationships with women tended to end mysteriously. During that period, I didn't dare reveal to my friend what I had seen. Only a long time later I had a talk with him and managed to get some idea as to his receptiveness to concepts such as Spirits and otherworldly Beings. Once he indicated that he believed in such things, I told him what I saw and suggested that he go to a rabbi that deals with these matters. |
The Domineering MotherI heard this story from Chaya Levy and feel it is important enough to retell it here. A woman in her fifties, on the edge of despair, approached Chaya for help. It seemed that her mother had died a year and a half earlier. At first the woman was deeply saddened by the death and went through a difficult period of mourning. She claimed that she had not been able to shake off the memory of her mother ever since. Her mother, a domineering and intrusive woman during her lifetime, continued to interfere in her daughter's daily affairs after her death. Chaya had immediately discerned a Being sticking close by the woman. It was the woman's mother who, instead of continuing on her way, decided to stay by her daughter. In some strange fashion, she had managed to actually attach herself to her daughter's body and proceeded to make her life a misery. Chaya made contact with the mother and tried to convince her to leave her daughter alone, but with no success. Chaya called on her Spiritual Guide for help, the Being who calls himself Jesus, but he too was unsuccessful. Jesus left, and returned with reinforcements. Chaya understood that they were two Angels. They separated the mother from her daughter by force and took her with them. From then on, the woman's condition eased and she returned to normal life. |
A Strange Experience |
A very strange thing happened during one of my treatment sessions. I had no idea what I was doing, but nevertheless I continued, relying on the telepathic instructions from my Alien guides. As I began treatment of an elderly woman, I placed my hands over her, but they did not begin to move of their own accord as usually happens. Instead, I felt a familiar sensation in my forehead, a kind of click. The Aliens were using the beam of energy radiating from my third eye. My head began to move in slow, scanning motions, and finally focused on a particular point in the woman's abdominal region. Only then did my hands begin to move - first gently, and then with increasing aggressiveness. The muscles in my hands began to ache with the effort. My hands were moving in all directions, but always coming back to the abdominal region. Suddenly the woman, who had been lying with her eyes closed, began to furiously scratch the region I had been focusing on. I needed to know what was happening. The Aliens telepathically sent me an image of something round and flat like a large, heavy pita bread. Its general color was dark brown, but the center and the edges were a lighter color, like ivory. In the very center was a small round protrusion with unclear facial features. It looked feminine. The realization that this was a parasite soul, raised the hairs on the back of my neck. The thing was attached to the woman's stomach. I understood from the Aliens that they were trying to surgically remove it. I didn't know what I was supposed to do, but I carried on. At some point, I felt my right hand "lock" in place and I received a clear message not to move it under any circumstances! I then began backing away from the woman, excruciatingly slowly. I sensed that the Aliens were slowly releasing the grip of the parasitic being so that its arms would not be torn. I gradually got the feeling that I was holding something like a translucent purple jellyfish with long water-filled arms or tentacles. In sync with my slow movement, the tentacles were being pulled out of the woman's body. The Aliens planted the thought in my head that I have to take this thing to the sink or bathtub and spray it with water. But I wasn't to release my grip, so that it wouldn't return to the woman. Once I was about 4 meters from the woman, I received instructions that the parasite was fully removed and I could now move more quickly to the bathtub. I carefully place the parasite in the tub and immediately sprayed it with water. I continued doing so for a few minutes until I received the message to stop. I had the feeling that something went down the drain with the water. I scrubbed my hands and arms up to my shoulders and returned to my patient. ->
I was anxious to consult with Chaya Levy about my experience. I asked her if she thought it was all a product of my imagination, or if it was real. She laughed at me and said that was a lower form of soul, something undeveloped. According to Chaya there are many such souls in our midst. They wander between heaven and earth and attach themselves to people that are physically weak, that have lower defenses, in order to feed off their energy. The parasite causes no harm accept a lowering of energy level and a feeling of chronic tiredness. Rinsing with water cleanses the parasite of negative energies and allows it to go on its way. It doesn't kill it. The Aliens, through me, conducted surgical removal of the parasite soul. That was one option among many methods for ridding the body of these parasites. Kabalistic rabbis, for instance, have their own methods which include blowing of the shofar, dunking in the ritual bath, special prayers and so on. On another occasion, I made contact with Michael, one of the Spirits, or Beings, who had been a doctor and was present during the treatment. I contacted him through another medium, also a friend of mine. Below is a fairly accurate rendition of the course of our contact. Adrian:
Were you present when the parasite was removed? |
A fat snakeOn April 2004 came an old man complaining he is possessed by a ghost attached to his body. He wanted me to remove it because it caused him pains in his nose. I asked him for his age and he could not answer. He said he does not know exactly because his mother did not write down his date of birth. He estimates he is between 60 to 70 maybe 75. At first he did a bad impression but after a short conversation I found out he is quite intelligent and has a huge knowledge about UFO and mystical and spiritual issues. He claim to have a huge library with many books and magazines on the subject. He consulted a channeled that told him about the possession and she tried to remove it but failed. I asked him to lay down on the treatment bad and the ET medical teem ask me to leave the room for a few minutes not to be exposed to some energies they are going to use to scan the patient. When I came back they told me they could not find any ghost so they need my help to do my own multidimensional scanning. I stood behind the patient head and let the Aliens guide my hands. A figure of a snake tale started to appear. My hands started to generate more energy and I felt this energy is pointed to a meter long 15 CM in radius fat snake looking creature that was attached to the old man in some far dimension. The snake did not like the radiation and disengage from his holding. A sensation of some heavy body falling on the floor and I was pushed away and send to wash my Hands with running water. The ET medical team clear the floor and took the snake away and I was allowed to return to the room. The Patient felt immediately a noticeable relief and the pain in his nose was gone. |
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