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New form of alternative medicine gaining popularity in Israel
shows that results are what count
Tel Aviv, Israel, October 09 - A growing number of alternative medicine clinics are gaining popularity in Israel. Although the apparent purveyor of treatment is typically a healer, no one is quite sure who is doing what. However, with the growing record of remarkable results, no one cares. And if the results are remarkable, their possible explanation is more remarkable still.
So what actually goes on in these clinics? To the average observer, the answer is - nothing.
There are no apparent medicines, prescriptions or medical equipment. Even the healer generally sits to one side and watches. Patients report physical sensations in the areas being treated, although there is no actual physical contact. The occasional sensitive patient, who turns out to have extra-sensory perception, will report hazy visual images of vague humanoid figures and medical equipment. These recorded and often elaborately detailed patient descriptions, from patients who have never met nor spoken, demonstrate a striking consistency.
Most would prefer not to contemplate what this might mean. As one patient put it, "I don't care who's doing what, as long as it solves my medical problem." And in more cases than not, it does. Since the opening of one of the first clinics in 1995 by Adrian Dvir, computer engineer who finds himself in the role of healer based on his ESP and telepathic abilities, the number has grown to over 50 clinics currently operating throughout the country, treating thousands of patients. See Author at:
Specializing in a variety of medical and psychological conditions, these clinics have successfully treated migraines, back pain, cardiovascular and immune system related diseases, as well as terminal cancer. They do not claim to be able to cure every illness but the rate of success is impressive and more significantly, surpasses the capabilities of conventional medicine. Watch clients testimonials on:
So how do you know if you've found one of "these" clinics - and here's the remarkable explanation that most people prefer not to contemplate. The healers claim to be conducting inter-dimensional collaboration with alien medical teams. The healers are all mediums with telepathic abilities. They are able to channel with these other-dimensional beings who, according to Dvir, "are always happy to answer questions." Following exposure in mainstream Israeli media, including press, TV and radio, TV investigators tried to uncover fraud, expose secrets and tricks, but to no avail. Hidden cameras in various clinics revealed nothing more than a strange and technically unexplained noise.
The driving force behind the success of these clinics is real medical results, especially in cases where conventional medicine has given up. "You can't argue with success", says one patient, explaining why the possible existence of alien medical teams working in a dimension invisible to most, and the lack of any scientific proof thereof, does not deter thousands of people from seeking cures from them. A recommendation based on personal experience is sufficient to convince even the most skeptical but suffering patient. Each clinic is independent and there is no commercial organization or paid publicity.
The healers who run these unique clinics are often as excited to find each other as the patients are with the results. Many doubted their own sanity when first confronted with receiving communications from alien beings who helped them cure people, and were most relieved to find others relating similar experiences. Adrian Dvir was so mind-boggled by these communications apparently from another dimension, that he devoted much time and effort to investigating the phenomenon, resulting in his book "X3, Healing, Entities and Aliens" now in its 4th printing in Hebrew and recently republished in English by BookMasters. The book is available through Ingram, Baker and Taylor, and most online bookstores (Amazon, Barnes & Noble, etc.). ISBN: 9657269008. See Cover on:
Enhanced by an accompanying CD, the book is an exciting and attention-riveting journey into mind-expanding experiences and the positive intentions of beings from beyond our dimension. "Actually medical research teams, the aliens are here to study humans and cure disease", says Dvir.
For Further information please contact:
Adrian Dvir
Tel: +972-52-2654-138
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Adrian Dvir documents his own and others, Healers and Mediums outstanding daily collaboration in ISRAEL, with Beings from parallel dimensions or realms. These invisible beings act as medical teams. They are Alien ET Extraterrestrials and ED Extra-Dimensional medical teams. The paranormal and mystical events becomes a daily experience, with practical results for suffering sick people. Parallel realms of existence are described. The book includes a PC HTML based CD with high resolution Video Clips streaming of Patients testimony, Healers stories and Beings messages and answers as channeled by Trans Mediums. This is the next step in out of this world contact beyond random UFO sightings, Crop circles, unexpected encounters and alike. |
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