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I received my husband back as he was

Shulamit Vaserman testimony

My name is Shulamit Vaserman and I am Avi's wife. I came to Adrian with my husband after he read the book and I though he is really crazy. My sun and I were laughing at him all the time. That he was just in a bad way that I really felt bad for him because nobody could help him. So I made the appointment with Adrian and I accompany my husband and his reaction to the treatment was so amazing that I could not believe it. I just could not. I was seating here when he was treated. And he was describing everything he was feeling. And I looked at him. I was laughing at him, inside me I did not laugh out loud I did not believe it. I could see the results after the first treatment! He came home and he had a pain in his left leg. And as the treatment want on I was always accompany him. I saw everything. And after two months I canceled his operation he had at Ihilov (hospital) he had for the two hands he had appointment.

  I canceled it. And he just came back to life. When he was young he was very active. And all of a sudden he become very old after the accident that we had. I was feeling I am loosing my husband. Because he couldn't walk,  he couldn't climb the stairs, He couldn't eat anything. He was always angry. Always restless. And here slowly and surely I was receiving my husband back as he was. And it made me very happy and when I saw It was working so well, we spoke with Adrian and we asked if he can help our daughter. We have a problematic daughter. She was born with minimum brain dysfunction. Hyperactive, many many problems. And he said yes that he could to give her treatments. To see the treatments with her it was.. really something out of this world. Because they were reorganizing her brain. Many parts of her brain were not contacted. Adrian was explaining to me. They tried to arrange everything. And she is not well yet. She does not work, she has problems but she is very calm. Every summer she has depressions. Very very strong depressions and she becomes very wild. And this summer she had one of this attacks. And we didn't know what to do with her. Than my husband said why don't you call Adrian ? And I called Adrian. His answering service answered. and I said  Adrian please help us we have a crisis. And one hour later she was lying in bed quietly. She slept until the next day. At one o'clock I went to check her. She was very calm, deep asleep and I told my husband they probably gave her an over doze or something. But since then she did not got any depression. 

Yair Shragai: Did Adrian said later that he sent somebody to treat her ?

Shulamit: That's the interesting story. Because I spoke to his answering service. And I asked him for help. and the help came. Two days later Adrian called and said he just heard the massage. I said thank you very much they helped her. So what happened ? they heard me through his answering service and they helped her.

Now my husband was the first one on treatments. Then I was convinced its time for me. I was suffering from my neck And I came actually for my neck. As a result of the accident I could not raise my hand. I couldn't sit doing too long like a computer. I was really in a bad way. Before the day of the treatment I felt at home a strong pain in my stomach. I came here to the treatment and again I felt the pressure. I lay on the bed and I felt such pressure on my stomach and I asked what are they doing ? I mean I came to my neck, I was expecting something here (neck). And then he told me that they discovered something in my intestine that was not so good. And they are doing preventing medicine. The truth is that since then. I was always suffered from stomach pain. thirty forty years.





Alien medical team treated Shulamit Vaserman and her family for several medical problems. The Aliens treated her legs pain, Abdominal pains, her husband body pains, daughter depression, son back pain and migraine and her sister legs  joints pain. Shulamit Vaserman can be reached at Email:,  She speaks Hebrew, English, French, Spanish, Italian, 
The video was produced in ISRAEL by Adrian Dvir, in Dec 2002. Adrian also edited the final clip.
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Video Clip duration: 09:36
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Read more on these issues in Adrian Dvir's book: X3, Healing Entities and Aliens

An exciting and attention riveting metaphysical journey, September 21, 2003
Reviewer: Midwest Book Review from Oregon, WI USA
Informatively written by Adrian Dvir (an expert computer engineer who first discovered his ability to communicate telepathically in 1992, and first contacted aliens in the year 1994), X3: Healing, Entities, And Aliens is an exciting and attention riveting metaphysical journey into mind-expanding experiences and the positive intentions of entities from beyond this world. Offering a grand, detailed, investigative account that fleshes out seemingly supernatural occurrences in great detail, and enhanced with an accompanying CD, X3: Healing Entities and Aliens is a unique and very welcome contribution to Metaphysical Studies reference collections and UFO Studies reading lists.
Adrian Dvir documents his own and others, Healers and Mediums outstanding daily collaboration in ISRAEL, with  Beings from parallel dimensions or realms.  These invisible beings act as medical teams. They are Alien  ET Extraterrestrials and ED Extra-Dimensional medical teams. The paranormal and  mystical events becomes a daily experience, with practical results for suffering sick people. Parallel realms of existence are described. The book includes a PC  HTML based CD with high resolution Video Clips streaming of Patients testimony, Healers stories and Beings messages and answers as channeled by Trans Mediums. This is the next step in out of this world  contact beyond random UFO sightings, Crop circles, unexpected encounters and alike. 
Midwest Book ReviewRead more | Adrian Dvir Home page  |*Video | Synopsis | Table of Contents | Read an Excerpt | Front Cover | Back Cover | CD Artwork
  • Paperback: 422 pages ; Dimensions (in inches): 1.02 x 8.66 x 5.58
  • Publisher: Adrian Dvir; (January 2003).  ISBN: 9657269008

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