Exposing the internal AlienA report by Adrian Dvir M.Sc |
Adrian: What is your problem? Patient: I am a spiritual teacher for many years and came to a spiritual cross road. I need consultation. Adrian: I don't know if I can help you. I usually treat medical or psychological problems. How did you heard about me ? Patient: This morning I entered a book store and there was a book on the shelve that had a white glow. I was attracted to that book and took it in my hand. I felt a strong heat emanating from the book. I bought it immediately and started to read it. From the first pages I had a feeling of spiritual connection to the book. It became clear to me that I must meet the author. I called you. Adrian: I don't know if I can give you spiritual advice. But please come tomorrow, I feel I have to treat you.
Aliens: Its ok. We know him. We are waiting for him and already know what treatment to do. A special team of Aliens is already waiting for him in the clinic. I typed down on my computer the patient personal details, questions and requests for treatment and asked him to lay down on the treatment bad. At the same moment I felt a strong need to get up and stand behind his head. One of the rare cases the Aliens need my help as a healer. The Aliens usually treat by themselves. My hands were pooled up to the ceiling and my awareness shot to the highest possible level I ever experienced. As if I was trying to connect to god. The patient started to say something and I immediately hush him. Im.. busy...I need to connect.... than after a few seconds a burst of white light energy large almost as the room came down from that unknown realm. The ray of light, or energy or presence, was very strong and when it hit the patient something strange happened. Something big was open aside. As if the patient was inside a big egg or enclosure that was now opened by this light energy. A transparent white light an transparent blue creature was exposed from the egg or maybe call it cocoon. It started to stretch as if it was getting up from a long sleep or hibernation period. He had a general humanoid form but his hands were very light and maybe he had also very small wings. I cannot be sure. I felt I am using all my powers to help open the egg and push it aside. My whole body twisted in pain of efforts. After a few additional seconds I was released from the effort and my hands fell down. I was asked to sit down on my chair but still continue to apply healing energy from my hands. The patient looked at me and said that I look very sick and my face is very pale. The Aliens asked me to leave the room and drink some water. I did so and the color returned to my face. The patient was extremely excited and eager to tell me of the sensations he felt during the treatment. He felt needles stuck in his veins, currents, heat and cold sensations in different parts of his body, dizziness, flow of energy and many more sensations hard to pt in words. I told him he must hear my story than he will be really in shock. I told him of my experience and then the Aliens added their explanation: Aliens: Your soul belonged to a very highly developed level of spiritual being that are very close to god. As many other developed souls, you was sent to earth to help the evolving civilization. In order to be able to help you needed fist to accommodate and learn what a human being is. To enable you to do that we had to hide away your real essence, your real advanced self. Your real highly evolved creature that exist in another dimension was put into a hibernation state. Your human awareness in this incarnation learn what a human is first hand without any interference from your highly developed origin. Now you are ready to release the highly developed creature and let him join you in your efforts to help human civilization. You are now going to work together. You two share the same soul. The procedure of awakening up the internal Alien advance creature, could be done only in this Alien medical center that has the equipment and know how to treat and perform surgery in many dimensions. Adrian was needed because he has the permission, experience and ability to access and call for assistance the high level of light energy civilization that was needed to perform the procedure. This civilization put the creature in the cocoon in the first place. The creature that was exposed highly developed is very special and he is made of the same materials as the prime creator. The patient burst in tears and said that all his life he had a sensation that he belong to a very highly developed civilization. He feels very strongly that everything I told him is through. When the time was right someone lead him from abroad to ISRAEL and to me for this specific treatment. |
![]() Hagai: The Aliens show me an elliptical white huge planet that generates what looks like a lot of gases into space. These gases are used to create heavy materials. Your patient belongs to that civilization and his job was to coordinate this process. He was send to earth and the inner self as an Alien has to be isolated to enable him to develop a normal human personality. In case such procedure was not use there was a good chance he could loose his mind. Now he is ready to confront his Alien part. You had an agreement with him that you will help him in this process. |
SummaryI had encounter in the past several cases that a patient had an active Alien body that coexist in a another dimension and both make part of the same soul. The Task of the Alien part was usually to study or to help the human part in his tasks. Information that I got about myself include about 7-8 such coexist Aliens that work in parallel with me mainly as Alien physicians. each of them is from another dimension, other civilization and are part of my many past incarnations as an Alien physician. One of those Aliens is called Alex and he is a physician specialized in multidimensional surgery, ability that enable him to remove parasites that exist in another dimension. Alex has special medical equipment embedded on him that enable him to perform various medical procedures. The information that one soul can have many discrete incarnation at the same time was received from several sources. A soul is like a tree of incarnations. The incarnation don't have to exist serially. They can coexist in parallel.
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