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Surfer's Correspondence 

I receive a lot of strange email correspondence. Some belief and want more information and some say it is all nonce's. Here are some repeating questions:

Put me in contact -  People want to contact the Aliens. I reply that the Aliens need a reason to make contact. I collaborate with medical teams so if there is a medical problem they can come to help. If there is no problem they have no reason to come. I saw a UFO. What it was?  Many people describe in detail a UFO sighting, a light or form in the sky in a specific location on a specific time and expect me to tell them what it was.  Sorry but I have no way to know. And Even I could tell them the ship name, size, serial number, origin planet ' number of Aliens aboard, and mission will it be of any help ? 
Please cure me - Many ask me to help them with their medical problem. It is best if the patient come to the clinic. If it is not possible, the patient need to send the medical problem description, address and picture. The Aliens will decide if to visit and if they can they will help.  Please be aware that I cannot inform the patient in such a remote healing the treatment details and status on a daily basis. I Just don't have the time for it. I can only transfer the request for the Aliens. I had a contact with Aliens, do the Aliens know me?  Aliens are not one entity but a huge number of life forms and different organization. Please don't expect that if you had a contact with an Alien in the past than the Alien medical teams that work with me should automatically know you.

Aliens,UFO Links

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Readers comments

Aliens GOD and Religion

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Correspondence 3:  

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Correspondence 2

Incarnated Aliens 
The touchy story of Gianna 

What is my purpose in life ? Q&A  


Breast Cancer Healing Request

30 April 2004

Dear Adrian,
A friend showed me the article in the Nexus magazine and also told me that it's possible that I could get some help.
I was diagnosed with breast cancer three years ago. I have avoided having chemotherapy or radiation or surgery because I have had faith that it can be healed. I view the tumor as a symptom of something that has gone wrong in my physical and emotional body.

 I have believed that if I can cure the cause then the symptom would go away. I have tried several alternative therapies such as Rife technology, ozone therapy, vit. C therapy, and nutritional therapy. I have also tried to release repressed emotions. I still have some work to do on that.

Anyways, I am feeling quite discouraged lately, because the tumor isn't shrinking. In fact, in has grown instead of getting smaller. I believe anything is possible and I am open to asking for help from the alien medical team. Is it possible that they can assist me in healing? Please let me know.

 Thank you,


Dear K.
1. Whatever was the reason for your breast cancer, the cancer need to be treated as a life threatening condition and get conventional treatment. Alternative medicine can be used in parallel.
2. If the cancer was caused by something that has gone wrong in your physical and emotional body, which is possible, treating the cause does not mean the tumor will disappear.  The moment the cell mutated there is no way back except to kill the mutated cells. Even if you solve all your emotional problems this will not affect the mutated cells to mutate back.
3.  You must take also in consideration that cancer may be caused by many other reasons as: radiation, sun exposure, food or breathing chemicals or just a random mutation with no reason at all.
4.   The ET medical team can try to help you but this cannot come instead of conventional medicine treatment.
5.  There is another aspect you should look into:  The fact that you refused conventional medicine treatment may steam from some bad experience from this life or some past life. Or maybe you have difficulties to accept the fact you are sick with a life threatening cancer. Or in your sub conscious you want to dye. Any how these possibilities need to be checked out and I cannot do it remotely. You need local professional help.
6.  Me and the ET medical team treated many cancer cases some with great success but always in parallel to conventional medicine or in some cases after conventional medicine gave up.
Regards, Adrian Dvir


Read more on these issues in Adrian Dvir's book: X3, Healing Entities and Aliens

An exciting and attention riveting metaphysical journey, September 21, 2003
Reviewer: Midwest Book Review from Oregon, WI USA
Informatively written by Adrian Dvir (an expert computer engineer who first discovered his ability to communicate telepathically in 1992, and first contacted aliens in the year 1994), X3: Healing, Entities, And Aliens is an exciting and attention riveting metaphysical journey into mind-expanding experiences and the positive intentions of entities from beyond this world. Offering a grand, detailed, investigative account that fleshes out seemingly supernatural occurrences in great detail, and enhanced with an accompanying CD, X3: Healing Entities and Aliens is a unique and very welcome contribution to Metaphysical Studies reference collections and UFO Studies reading lists.
Adrian Dvir documents his own and others, Healers and Mediums outstanding daily collaboration in ISRAEL, with  Beings from parallel dimensions or realms.  These invisible beings act as medical teams. They are Alien  ET Extraterrestrials and ED Extra-Dimensional medical teams. The paranormal and  mystical events becomes a daily experience, with practical results for suffering sick people. Parallel realms of existence are described. The book includes a PC  HTML based CD with high resolution Video Clips streaming of Patients testimony, Healers stories and Beings messages and answers as channeled by Trans Mediums. This is the next step in out of this world  contact beyond random UFO sightings, Crop circles, unexpected encounters and alike. 
Midwest Book ReviewBook_Readers |   Read more | Adrian Dvir Home page  |*Video | Synopsis | Table of Contents | Read an Excerpt | Front Cover | Back Cover | CD Artwork
  • Paperback: 422 pages ; Dimensions (in inches): 1.02 x 8.66 x 5.58
  • Publisher: Adrian Dvir; (January 2003).  ISBN: 9657269008

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